Non-Planning? Is there such a thing as planning to not have a plan? I think so.
2019 was an especially odd year in a string of odd years. For years, I happily collected fabrics and patterns, planning someday to get it all done. But as my eyes continued to deteriorate last year, I started to realize that I will NEVER use all the fabric I have, and quite possibly never finish all the quilts I have started. It doesn't help that we are still working on the house and most of my sewing room stuff is in the attic, still boxed up somewhere. I thought I had all my fabric unpacked when I came across two more boxes yesterday, and there is probably more.
My goal for the remainder of 2019 is to clear out a workable sewing space in the attic.
My goals for 2020 are:
1. Have a stay-at-home quilting weekend just for me. Hubby takes his hunting trips, so this is my equivalent and I have some catching up to do. I am going to start New Year's Day and the following day. No cooking, no cleaning, no running errands, no helping Hubby with whatever project he has going. Just me, my sewing, and a full fridge.
2. Finish UFO's as I find them, and work on them until they are finished. My quilting weekends should help with that.
3. Do something every day that moves a project forward, whether it takes 5 minutes or 30 minutes, and whether it is actual sewing, or buying batting, or oiling the sewing machine so it can keep sewing.
Even though these aren't specific goals like most quilter's make when they plan the upcoming year, I am going to link to Quilting Jet Girl's 2020 Planning Party.

2019 was an especially odd year in a string of odd years. For years, I happily collected fabrics and patterns, planning someday to get it all done. But as my eyes continued to deteriorate last year, I started to realize that I will NEVER use all the fabric I have, and quite possibly never finish all the quilts I have started. It doesn't help that we are still working on the house and most of my sewing room stuff is in the attic, still boxed up somewhere. I thought I had all my fabric unpacked when I came across two more boxes yesterday, and there is probably more.
My goal for the remainder of 2019 is to clear out a workable sewing space in the attic.
My goals for 2020 are:
1. Have a stay-at-home quilting weekend just for me. Hubby takes his hunting trips, so this is my equivalent and I have some catching up to do. I am going to start New Year's Day and the following day. No cooking, no cleaning, no running errands, no helping Hubby with whatever project he has going. Just me, my sewing, and a full fridge.
2. Finish UFO's as I find them, and work on them until they are finished. My quilting weekends should help with that.
3. Do something every day that moves a project forward, whether it takes 5 minutes or 30 minutes, and whether it is actual sewing, or buying batting, or oiling the sewing machine so it can keep sewing.
Even though these aren't specific goals like most quilter's make when they plan the upcoming year, I am going to link to Quilting Jet Girl's 2020 Planning Party.