Saturday, January 10, 2009

Great Grandma's Quilts

Sometimes I watch Antiques Roadshow and I am in awe of the wonderful and valuable antiques left to people by their parents, grandparents, and greatgrandparents. All I have from my grandparents is a broken watch and some well-worn quilts and embroidery. But along with my great grandmother's quilts and embroidery, I have memories of her. She was never without needle in hand during our visits, talking and laughing while her needle moved surely and quickly through her fabric. They also remind me of her big feather bed and summer nights in New Mexico - the laughter of people visiting on the sidewalk outside, crickets and frogs in her garden, and the far off sound of a train.

Here are more of her quilts:

Until next time, may you have blessings and warm memories,

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