Have you ever reached for a spool of thread on your rack or spool drawer and found the end of it tangled with all the other threads? My spool drawer is always like that, and the polyester embroidery machine thread is the worst. Today I had to cut about a yard of tangles off the end of a spool of invisible thread and reached for the Scotch tape, even though I hate the sticky residue it can leave behind if the spool isn't used very often. However, I couldn't find the tape, so I thought I would wrap it in plastic wrap just for now (knowing that just for now usually turns into forever). Then my eye caught sight of the Press n Seal wrap and I snipped off a corner of it (about an inch square). It works great!
This is the way my spool drawer used to look (if not worse).

These are a couple of spools with the Press n Seal.

No sticky residue, comes off easily, and is reusable. How great is that?!!
(Edited, two years later: After a length of time, the Press n Seal DOES leave a sticky residue on the thread. So, now I only do this for short times when I am using spools and alternating between colors in a project.)
Until next time, may you have blessings and fewer tangles in your life,
This is the way my spool drawer used to look (if not worse).
These are a couple of spools with the Press n Seal.
No sticky residue, comes off easily, and is reusable. How great is that?!!
(Edited, two years later: After a length of time, the Press n Seal DOES leave a sticky residue on the thread. So, now I only do this for short times when I am using spools and alternating between colors in a project.)
Until next time, may you have blessings and fewer tangles in your life,