It's been a long week, but it ended with 1.25 glorious inches of rain Sunday night. I'm feeling tons better and have even done some sewing this week with the shopping bags, so I'm posting my 15 Minute Challenge Report again. I've continued measuring my stash too and am on the home stretch there I think.

Last Tuesday, Brownie called and asked if she could move back home until she could find a job here, so Saturday I rented a trailer and we drove to Oklahoma to pick up her stuff. It was dry and yellow from here to Okmulgee, Oklahoma where it suddenly changed to green everywhere. So for those of you who have been wondering where the rain is, it stayed north of there behind their invisible wall.
Back in sewing related news, my little portable machine is on the fritz. The bigger machine has had tension problems for awhile, and now the serger is messed up too. So we've been discussing trading it all in on another machine. Maybe I can spend this week checking that out.
Check out Kate's blog, Life in Pieces to see how others have been using their 15 minutes a day.
Last Tuesday, Brownie called and asked if she could move back home until she could find a job here, so Saturday I rented a trailer and we drove to Oklahoma to pick up her stuff. It was dry and yellow from here to Okmulgee, Oklahoma where it suddenly changed to green everywhere. So for those of you who have been wondering where the rain is, it stayed north of there behind their invisible wall.
Back in sewing related news, my little portable machine is on the fritz. The bigger machine has had tension problems for awhile, and now the serger is messed up too. So we've been discussing trading it all in on another machine. Maybe I can spend this week checking that out.
Check out Kate's blog, Life in Pieces to see how others have been using their 15 minutes a day.