Monday, October 6, 2014

A Most Wonderful Gift for the Singer Featherweight

I showed you the Singer Featherweight I bought at an estate sale in this post. It came with the basic foot, and after researching it, I saw that the old zipper attachment I had held onto for many years would have worked on it - except I donated it to a thrift store just a couple of years ago. Then Nancy from Wyoming Breezes contacted me because she had found some attachments for the Featherweight and wanted to know if I wanted them. And then she gifted them to me!

I've been dying to show them to you, but I thought it would be best to identify them first. Aren't they wonderful?

Thank you Nancy!


  1. You are very welcome.

    I'm not sure the lady at the thrift shop even knew the contents of the green box. At $1, I knew a bargain when I saw it. Enjoy!

    1. $1? Wow, that was a bargain. I can't wait to try them out.

  2. wonderful! how's the featherweight working out?

    1. I hate to admit this, but dh bought a new plug but hasn't put it on the sewing machine yet. That's at the top of his honey-do for Saturday.

  3. I keep trying to follow you by email, by get a notification that you do not have it turned on? Glad you found the attachment for your machine. I talked with you at about February about how much our cats were alike, that is how I recognized your blog. Our Boss passed about a month ago, he is missed. Hope Buddy is doing fine. If you get your follow by email working I sure you would notify me.
    Be safe and blessings.

  4. Very cool attachments. Have you had a chance to try any of them out?


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