(This photo has been altered to correct the color. I messed around with the settings on this photo so I could focus just on the center bloom, and while that part worked, for some reason it faded out the color on the bloom and foliage, so I hit the enhance color button to correct the color.)
Isn't it funny how one little thing can make or break your day? Luckily, it was make my day today. This odd spring weather we have had has made my Texas Mountain Laurel (Sophora secundiflora) bloom before my neighbor's wisteria for the first time in fifteen years. That's right. For fifteen years, I have smelled nothing but wisteria while my laurel was blooming, but finally, finally, finally, I got to smell nothing but the sweet smell of grape bubble gum wafting across my yard. It didn't hurt anything that the laurel is covered in blooms this year too. I guess that's from all the rain.
And to top it off, two Red Admiral butterflies (Sophora secundiflora) were visiting the blooms along with several honey bees and bumblebees.
My Texas Mountain Lauel:
The neighbor's wisteria:
Na na na na boo boo! hehehe
With all the rain we've had recently (over four inches this week), I should be out pulling weeds and mowing the yard, and I did do some of that yesterday, though it's too wet to drive the lawn mower. But today was really windy, so I stayed inside and did some slow stitching. Actually, I did some of it yesterday while we were driving, but today, I put the flowers together.

Linking to Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.
Isn't it funny how one little thing can make or break your day? Luckily, it was make my day today. This odd spring weather we have had has made my Texas Mountain Laurel (Sophora secundiflora) bloom before my neighbor's wisteria for the first time in fifteen years. That's right. For fifteen years, I have smelled nothing but wisteria while my laurel was blooming, but finally, finally, finally, I got to smell nothing but the sweet smell of grape bubble gum wafting across my yard. It didn't hurt anything that the laurel is covered in blooms this year too. I guess that's from all the rain.
And to top it off, two Red Admiral butterflies (Sophora secundiflora) were visiting the blooms along with several honey bees and bumblebees.
My Texas Mountain Lauel:
The neighbor's wisteria:
Na na na na boo boo! hehehe
With all the rain we've had recently (over four inches this week), I should be out pulling weeds and mowing the yard, and I did do some of that yesterday, though it's too wet to drive the lawn mower. But today was really windy, so I stayed inside and did some slow stitching. Actually, I did some of it yesterday while we were driving, but today, I put the flowers together.

Linking to Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.