Sunday, May 3, 2020

Sunday Stitching Reports Week 18

Maybe I should have said the lack of stitching.  It's been a bad week for stitching, but a good week for building.  I have been building a climbing structure in the backyard for the grandsons between stints of babysitting, and both activities have taken their toll.  By the time I come in from building, or say goodbye to the kids, I am ready for a shower and bed.  I've even been in bed before sunset!  That never happens.  Needless to say, I haven't been dragging myself up to my sewing room very often.  Today is my last babysitting day for a couple of days (I hope) so I hope to have one of those days all to myself for some serious sewing.

Oh, and apologies are in order for not posting a stress ball muff tutorial.  I'll try to get to it this week.

And now I'm going to try to get the yard mowed before church.

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  1. Hi,
    Sounds like you have been busy....hope you
    get some stitching time in. Have a great day!

  2. Definitely a busy week and a productive one from the way it sounds. Just not in the sewing room. Hope you get to enjoy a couple of days off babysitting duty.

  3. Well, it is a good thing you can actually go to church during this crazy life we are living.

    Doesn't it feel good to mow the grass though? I love spring when everything is greening up!


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