To-Do Tuesday
Last Week:

❌ 2. Paint the repaired wall.
If we have any leftover paint here, I can't find it. Now I have to wait on Hubby to take a sample to the paint store and mix me a new batch.
❌ 3. See if light fixture can be converted from plug in to wired in.
❌ 4. Sort green scraps into strips and squares.
❌ 5. Find stash of finished hexagons.
❌ 6. Put away Christmas decorations.
❌ 7. Rearrange sewing space and see if there is room for a bigger sewing table.
❌ 8. Reorganize my UFO boxes.
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My next goals are equally simple. After three weeks that revolved around travel, this week has more than the usual number of appointments. Since most of our doctors are in the city, every doctor appointment takes at least five hours out of our day. Even more if we have to run errands for mom as we did today.This Week:
1. Sew the blue, yellow, and white triangles into a border strip and see if it works.
2. Make labels for mom's towels.
3. Make pillowcase applique from book I bought today.
4. Hubby brought home a stack of blue bandanas today. One of his coffee buddies gave them to him. I need to think of something to do with them although they don't feel like 100% cotton.
5. Paint the repaired wall.
If we have any leftover paint here, I can't find it. Now I have to wait on Hubby to take a sample to the paint store and mix me a new batch.
6. See if light fixture can be converted from plug in to wired in.
7. Sort green scraps into strips and squares.
8. Find stash of finished hexagons.
9. Put away Christmas decorations.
10. Rearrange sewing space and see if there is room for a bigger sewing table.
11. Reorganize my UFO boxes.

My heart breaks for the people in Mississippi who have been devastated by tornadoes and the families of the victims of the Nashville school shooting. I hope all of you and your families are safe.

Stitching Stuff
My 15 Minutes to Stitch update looks like this: