Monday, January 24, 2011

Another Antique Quilt

This is another quilt I'm trying to identify. I'm 99.5% sure it wasn't made by Mother S for a couple of reasons. First, the direction of the pattern with the block facing the sides instead of the top. Second, the stitches and thread. There are a few knots showing on both the back and the front. I thought there were more, but most were tufts of the wool backing. Third, the blocks don't seem finished. It's a pieced flower basket, but there is no handle or flowers in the top of the block. And fourth, the corners are rounded, something Mother S didn't do when a quilt block had squared edges.

There are a couple of things that make me wonder if it could be hers though. Both are in this block. The plaid fabric square is pieced, which is something she did often, and I think it could be the same fabric as another quilt she made. But also, that could be a very common fabric.

The fabric on the quilt top is in good condition. There are a few of those brown stains common to old quilts. But the backing is terrible. The fabric is brittle and disintegrates at a touch. I took the quilt to the local quilt store because I thought I would make another backing and slipstitch it over this one. The ladies there didn't think I should do that, but I think the wool batting will start coming out if I don't. I don't plan on taking out any stitches, or fabrics, just putting another backing on top of the old, stitching it around the edges and putting a few stitches in the block seams to hold it on.

The ladies at the quilt shop were intrigued with the pink chocolate and blue chocolate fabrics. That gives me an idea of the age of those fabrics, but not when the quilt was made, or who could have made it. So the search is on.

Some of the fabrics in the quilt:

If you recognize any of these fabrics, either by date or location, please let me know.

Until next time, may you have blessings and mysteries,

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