Saturday, May 28, 2011

Stash Buster Report Week 22

Thanks to my neighbor, I finally have something worth reporting. She wants to learn how to upholster her banquette benches so I gave her some fabric so she can practice. Otherwise, I just used a measly .5 yards.

Oops, I just remembered that my neighbor gave me some fabric also. Oh well, I'll count it next week. I'll have to use some to keep my numbers from going back up.


  1. 8.5 yards out - great week. No matter if given away to a new home or used in your own home.

  2. Great way to share that stash.

  3. I like how organized you are...good luck on the stash busting!

  4. I can't even inventory my stash! That stash has turned into a monster who is reproducing at an astounding rate gobbling up every inch of the "guest bedroom." Sure hope no guests arrive!

  5. sometimes *gifting* fabric is my favorite way to use the stash! thanks for letting me know about the link :)

  6. You're getting there...Isn't nice to be able to open up the stash to share! liz

  7. I agree with Barb in MI - if you gave it away it is gone from your stash and thus counts. and you should be proud. Wow, you have a lot of blue. And such a neat ledger - were you an accountant at one time?

  8. Wow .. I love how you track your inventory!


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