Wednesday, July 20, 2011

15 Minute Challenge July 19

I'm a day late on this. How time flies when a deadline looms.

I didn't get a lot of quilting done this week, but I did get a lot of crafting done.

I spent a few of my 15 minute sessions working on the HSTs, but most of the week was spent making the ottoman. 15 minutes worked just great when gluing the pieces together. That was just about how long it took to make a few cuts, glue, and clamp.

See how others have used their 15 minutes at Kate's blog, Life in Pieces.

Meanwhile, the heat dome stays over us, and most of the central U.S. and we continue our 100+ degree days. Fun.



  1. Congrats on using your time wisely this week. I'm not sure I'm ready for fall, but I'm definitely ready for cooler temps. Thansk for Linking up this week.

  2. Any time spent crafting is fun time. Good for you.


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