Monday, September 15, 2014

Have You Ever Wanted to Cut Up a Quilt Top You Just Finished?

I do, and I did.

A few months ago at our quilt guild meeting, someone demonstrated this fast and easy quilt. Online, it's called a strip and flip. I think theirs was in 1930's reproduction prints, and it was really cute. I thought I'd whip one out this weekend, and since our little quilt group needed some lap quilts for men, I chose masculine colors. The top went together in less than an hour, and was indeed fast and easy. But the more I looked at the finished top, the less I liked it because it was sooooo boring, so I decided to cut it up and see if I could come up with a more interesting pattern.

I did have to rip out a few seams, leaving three sections of two joined strips. I also left the reversed strip as it was.

I first cut the two strip rows into squares.

Then cut each square into two triangles.

And then cut each triangle in half.

Then laid out the pieces so the patterns and colors are spread out and started sewing them back together.

I have one leftover strip but haven't decided if I am going to use it or not.


  1. Wow, what a great change you made. It is exciting and more colorful, even though it is the same materials.


  2. I, too, like the version you created. Nice job.

  3. I love the new much more interesting!


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