Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stash Report - Week 9, 2011

Boy howdy, this is hard for me to admit. I fell off the "using-the-stash" wagon big time. I bought some fabric to make into some projects I hope to sell on etsy. I made the mistake of going to Jo-Ann's for just some thread and a set of grommets. Then I began perusing their marked down home decor fabrics and came across some pretty pieces. Unfortunately, I had to match them to fabrics that weren't on sale. I stood in a long line at the cutting area and an even longer line at the checkout, and three of my fabrics were near the end of the bolt so I just took the whole bolt. Because of that, the lady marked them 50% off! So it was worth the wait.

I also bought some thread, even though my thread stash is overflowing too, but most of that thread is probably vintage. I haven't been sewing this week either. A pinched nerve in my neck is making life difficult to do anything looking down.

Does it count if I cut up a couple of pairs of jeans for a future denim quilt and put them in my quilt projects drawer?

So, here goes.

I hope you did better than I did this week.


  1. Ouch - take care of yourself. Something is going around this week - I've already read a few reports with illnesses and injuries.

    Do you just have only 53 yards of stash or is that just a partial count? If that's your stash, you don't have a problem like some of us!

    Some folks manage their scraps by cutting it into standard sizes of strips or blocks. It is easier to store and then pick up fabric to make scrappy projects. I've cleaned up a couple boxes of scraps, but haven't gotten to a consistent group of sizes. I have too many options, but at least they are in smaller containers!


  2. I fell hard too--sometimes you can't help it. You can revel in the fact that you're in good company--LOL!

  3. I guess I am just too lazy to get rid of my stash. I try to use it, and I do. But I am a sucker for the marked down remnants at Jo Ann and Hobby Lobby. Can't just go for the things I need.

  4. K, obviously I'm a miserable failure at this. lol But I'm going to keep trying until I can train myself to look in my stash first.

    Liz, that is my rough estimate of the cotton quilting stash. I just got all the totes out of the attic recently and have started organizing them. When I get them sorted, I'll actually measure. I also have upholstery fabric, fleece, flannel, knits, and polyesters. Eeek!

  5. Teehee, gallons! I love it.
    Hope you feel better soon!

  6. Hope your neck is better soon. Those type of injuries are no fun at all. Sale fabric is just so hard to resist.


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