Monday, February 14, 2011

Remake a Short Shirt

Have you noticed how hard it is to find a long, knit shirt? After a few washings, most of my barely long enough knit shirts are too short to wear in public. I finally decided to do something about it. There is a reason I don't make clothes, and it is because they seldom fit, even if I follow a pattern and adjust in all the right places. But I was going to toss this one anyway, so what did I have to lose?

Before (and this is where it hit the top of my jeans:
And it still fits! I still need to do the hem, but I have a red velvet cake to make.

Until next time, may you have blessings and easy sewing,


  1. What a nifty idea. Pardon the usage of nifty but I couldn't think of a better word. I could have said clever but Grandma K beat me to it.

  2. What an awesome idea! I never, never wear short shirts but have several in my closet, I have no idea why. Off to the sewing machine!


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