Sunday, February 20, 2011

Stash Report

I decided to start doing a stash report like a lot of other quilters since there is no 12 step program for my stash addiction. These gals are trying to use their stash also and post their progress for all the world to see. It seems to be working for them, and since I have added more than used this year, I think I need the support.

So here goes.

Eeek! I didn't know I was in the red until just now. I resolve not to add this week, but to lose those 8 yards. Losing a few pounds would be nice too.

* I included the project I am revealing tomorrow because technically, it's already used.

I have a question for all of you quilters out there. What is the oldest quilt you've ever washed, how did you wash it, and what product did you use? Ok, that's three questions, but only one question mark.

Until next time, may you have blessings and resolve,


  1. Welcome to the stash busters challenge. It was very eyeopening when I started keeping track of fabric in and fabric out. I have found it really makes a difference as to what fabric I purchase knowing I will have to report it. Good luck.

  2. Welcome - and you'll enjoy the challenge of keeping track of the stash. I don't worry about busting a bunch of fabric, but keeping a record does make me aware of my buying habits and the need to use up the old stuff and be better organized ... so it is a good thing.

    I have a few oldies and I have not washed them since they have some weak spots. You may want to do a search on "washing old quilts" and read a variety of opinions. It all depends on age, how fragile the quilt is, how dirty it is, etc. Good Luck! Liz

    ps - cute head board bench on your side bar!

  3. Welcome to the weekly stash report. It made a big difference for me last year when I started tracking what I was buying. I'm on a NO FABRIC diet until I use up some of my stash! Writing a report every week sure made me much more aware of what I was buying versus what I was using.


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