I don't know about your weather, but ours has run the gamut this week. Freezing for a couple of days, then hot, then high winds and rain, then no wind. Well, no wind one evening. Wind is just a given here, especially this time of year.
I feel better about this week as far as sewing goes. I must have slept funny last Sunday night, and my back has been hurting all week, so I've been sitting more than usual, thus more sewing. I was finally able to get in a full week of sewing, one day was even with the sewing machine. That brought my success rate up above my goal level too. I didn't have any fabric usage though because I just made replacement cloths for my Swiffer mop. So much better than the paper mop pads!

This week I am going to attempt some Ikea kitchen cabinet building. People who have done it say it is harder than other Ikea products, so I am only going to try two. For those of you who have followed my other blog for awhile, I know your eyebrows probably raised when I said Ikea. I know. We did too. We were going to build all our cabinets, but the building has slowed to a crawl again. With Hubby's work and travel schedule, his mother's health, and my eyes, we decided that we would use a mix of Ikea cabinets and custom.
When we were building the closet shelves, I asked Hubby if he would like to have some drawers in the closet for socks, etc. He said yes, then paused, and said, "Wait, do I have to build drawers?" That's when I knew Ikea would make our life easier.
Linking up to the usual linky parties:
15 Minutes of Stitching at Life in Pieces
Sunday Stash at QuiltPaintCreate