To-Do Tuesday
Last week was mainly centered on the garage sale and the garden. The garage sale was a complete waste of time. Very few people came and the few who did said it was because we are so far out of town. We're five and a half miles from the center of town, which doesn't seem that far to me because we were seven miles from town at our last house. But that's what it's like to live in town where everything is a short drive. Saturday, we changed all our online ads to read everything left is $1 and that drew out a few more people. Still, they asked what the bigger items cost and I felt like the old Dollar Tree guy "It's a Dollar. Everything is a Dollar." lol As one couple walked away, I heard him tell his wife, "Can you believe I just bought a propane grill for a dollar!"
The garden is in, or was in. We've got cutworm and grubs and they are nipping off the stems as soon as new plants emerge from their seeds. This week, I retaliate.
Last Week:

❌ 3. Make dog pillow cover. I just didn't get to it.
❌ 4. See if light fixture can be converted from plug in to wired in. Disclaimer: When I said I need to see if the light fixture can be converted" I actually meant that I need to get Hubby to see if it can be converted, and he didn't do it because I didn't push it.

❌ 6. Dye Mom's towels and attach more labels. Bought dye, but didn't get it done.

Back burner:
❌ 6. Find stash of finished hexagons. Nope, too busy with searching for garage sale stuff (which was a complete bust and total waste of time).
❌ 7. Put away Christmas decorations. Ditto the reason for the nope above.
PARTIALLY DONE 8. Rearrange sewing space and see if there is room for a bigger sewing table. Removed all the portable tables but haven't moved the main sewing desk.
❌ 9. Reorganize my UFO boxes. Just didn't make it in there.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
This Week:
1. Put white borders on Glory Be.
2. Put wonder under on rodeo bandana and square it up.
3. Find Bubble Jet and prep white cloth for printing rodeo events silhouettes.
4. Tea dye rodeo quilt new fabric.
5. Apply beneficial nematodes to garden and yard. Cut worms and grubs be gone!
6. Re-plant okra destroyed by cut worms.
7. Dye bleached spots on Mom's towel.
8. Cut elastic off old sheets and make garden row covers.
9. Finish purple shopping bag.
Back burner:
10. Make dog pillow cover. I don't want to do this bad enough to give it top billing.
11. See if I can get Hubby to see if light fixture can be converted from plug in to wired in. Since the ball is in Hubby's court now, it may or may not get done.
12. Reorganize my UFO boxes.
13. Find stash of finished hexagons.
14. Put away Christmas decorations. Since I unpacked garage sale stuff all week, I now have boxes and packing paper.
15. Rearrange sewing space and see if there is room for a bigger sewing table.

Design Wall
I am relieved to say that I finally got all four borders on Glory Be! Not perfect by a long shot, but done. Next up is getting the outr border on. A nice, single strip of white fabric border. I should probably square up before I put it on. I'll iron it and measure it tomorrow and and then see what it needs.

Sunday Stash
Even though my fabrics are literally crammed into my stash cabinets, I didn't have any fabrics that would work with the rodeo bandana. So with bandana in hand, I went to Hobby Lobby, which is the nearest store with fabric. I think I could have done better at JoAnn's or the quilt store, but didn't have time for a trip to either of those. I added four and a half yards to my stash, plus a yard of interfacing (which I am not counting). For the first time this year, I am showing a gain in my fabric stash. Hopefully, I'll use it this week and be back to using up the stash.
Added Apr 16-22 4.50 yards
Added year to date 8.00 yards
Used year to date 7.75 yards

Stitching Stuff
This week was a repeat of last week. Same number of days stitching resulted in the same success rate for the year. Three days were spent doing garage sale (more on that Tuesday) and in the garden, and I was just too tired to make it into my sewing space for even 15 minutes. Today is cold and rainy, so I hope to get in a few hours today.
Apr 16-22 4 of 7 days
2023 Total 54 of 112 days
48% success rate

Congrats on getting the pieced border added, those can be a big pain to get right. Glory Be looks great, blue and yellow is such a fun color combination. You've done well on finding time to stitch considering how much other stuff you've got going on. Hope this week goes well. We are supposed to get rain most of the week, so I'm hoping for some good sewing afternoons.
ReplyDeleteYour blue and yellow quilt is beautiful, and the outer border looks great!
ReplyDeleteI tried to respond to your email to me about the plant stand that I got but the email didn't go through to you I got it on amazon at this link --- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09R954SLN?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1
ReplyDeleteMarti you had a very good week in spite of the garden and garage sale! Glory Be is beautiful and I think the white border will finish it perfectly! Love the fabrics for the rodeo bandana. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Good luck with this week’s list. Hope the weather cooperates so you have plenty of time in the sewing room to sew and organize and hubby gets the light wired in!
ReplyDeleteThat a huge and comprehensive list of to-dos! I’m with you on “no garage sale ever”! If you’re going to let it all go for $1, you might as well donate it! The satisfaction factor is better!
ReplyDeleteYour blue and yellow quilt is beautiful! It looks like flying geese border worked out well. Garage sales are a lot of work for not much reward, but at least you tried! Good luck on this week's list!
ReplyDeleteThe blue and yellow quilt is beautiful, Marti and those triangles on the borders were perfect. Good luck this week with your list.
ReplyDeleteAll progress is good progress. I'm with you on the garage sale, too little benefit for too much time.