I took these coasters to my daughter's house. I thought she might want to make some, and she did. She bought Christmas fabric so she can make them with the ladies in her in-law family. Then she found some Walking Dead fabric and bought that too so she could make coasters and pot holders for herself, her sister-in-law, and some friends at work. She made them with three folded hexagons instead of six so she could fussy cut the fabric.
I hear people on tv and radio talk about Walking Dead, but I've never watched it. Lil was convinced that we would like it if we just watched the first show. I had my doubts and asked her if the show was about zombies because I didn't think I wanted to watch a zombie show. It's not ALL about zombies she said, it has an ongoing plot and other things. So we watched the first episode while we were there. As far as I can tell, it's a show about zombies, and yes, it has on ongoing plot about a guy looking for his family and killing zombies all along the way.
I think we are not the target audience for this show. I'll watch Longmire and she can watch zombies.

Linking to:
Monday Making 9 at Love Laugh Quilt
Main Crush Monday 14 at Cooking up Quilts