This was supposed to be an
Awww Monday post. I've been watching for a chance to take a picture of the neighbors' new calf. It's a cutie and would make a great Awww post. Yesterday, I looked out the window and saw my chance. The two calves (only one of them is still cute) were near my fence and the cows were a safe distance away. If you don't know much about cattle, the cows leave their calves napping in a group while they graze around the pasture. A cow's mother's day out.
I grabbed the good camera and jumped in the pickup and headed over to the fence. Before I could get out the door and around the pickup, the cute calf stood up and turned his back to me. Not an awww shot by any means. The hind end of a calf is just as unattractive as the hind end of a grown cow. Then, he turned his head and looked at me, and it was so cute, I nearly took a picture. But it would still be the hind end of a cow. So I waited for him to turn around.
By then, mama cow was getting concerned and headed our way. "Turn baby, turn," I crooned. He walked away and plopped back down in the grass. By then, mama cow was next to the fence giving me the evil eye. I call her Freckles.
I talked to her a minute and thought she might go over the calf and nurse him. That would be a cute picture, right? She did go over to him to see if he was okay, but he didn't get up. Then, a horse came over to see what was going on and
he gave me the evil eye. I think I'll call him Nosy.
Right before I left, mama cow moved out of the way a little and I took a picture of the two calves. Not an awww picture, just a picture. Of cows. Cats can be cute doing nothing, but cows have to be doing something pretty special to get into the cute category. These animals were totally uncooperative and totally uncute. It's like they didn't care that the next day they could be featured on Awww Mondays. Maybe I'll get another chance before the calf grows into the not cute stage.
In other news, I did manage to get some sewing time in yesterday. I quilted two more Antique Tiles blocks and joined the last block on one row. I think if I complete a row today and tomorrow, and join the rows Wednesday, I can get the quilt finished by the April 30 deadline. I may have to buy fabric for the border. I thought I'd get the blocks together before trying out any of my stash fabric. And since this stage of the quilt isn't Awww some either, I just used my low quality iphone to take the picture.

The other thing occupying my time today is getting a closet finished. Even though we aren't ready for sheetrock, and don't plan on sheetrocking the whole house ourselves, we did decide to finish another closet (Hubby finished the storm room closet himself and put up some sheetrock in the guest bath for workmen privacy. You see, in the trailer, we have two tiny closets. Really, they're fifteen inches wide and sixty inches tall. Big enough for several shirts and pants each. But a coat takes up half the closet so coats and most of our good clothes are still in a hanging closet moving box. So we decided that we needed a clean, finished space in the house for those clothes and quit fumbling with a box every day. Well, Hubby has to fiddle with the box every day because he has to wear nice clothes to work. I just wear jeans and a t-shirt and I don't care if they have fold wrinkles. Yesterday, Hubby sheetrocked the little guest room closet and today, I taped and bedded.

And now, two cornish hens need to go in the oven, and they won't be cute enough for a photo either.
Linking to:
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts