Sunday, April 1, 2018

Sewing and Fabric Reports

Even though I didn't finish a quilt, I made a back for a quilt and cut strips for another UFO so used more fabric this week than I normally do in a month. That makes my stash report look pretty good.

I mananged to get my sewing space put back together and once again unpacked my fabric. Although I don't have finished walls there yet, at least there is framing now, so I screwed in a piece of foam board insulation and clipped my design wall flannel to it. It's nice to have that back in the same space instead of downstairs. I also got in a few days of sewing this week so that report looks better too.

Linking to:
15 Minute Challenge at Life in Pieces
Sunday Stash at QuiltPaintCreate


  1. Good job! Heading in the right direction.

  2. Glad you were able to get your sewing space functional again. Great numbers on both the stash and stitching front this week.

  3. Great progress on both fronts!

  4. Sounds like great progress with your home. That was a lot of nice usage this week!


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