Friday, March 30, 2018

March UFO Finish

When I realized I didn't know enough to make this quilt in 2003, I stuffed it in a box and left it there for a few years. The next time I got it out, I looked at all the mistakes and thought of throwing it away. But I didn't, and now I'm glad I didn't because finishing it this month made me realize that my quilting has improved over the years and lately, I've wondered.

I have to laugh when I think about the start of this quilt. When I decided to start quilting, I couldn't afford to take any classes and checked out the only book on beginning quilting from our local library. I bought a twelve by eighteen inch mat, an eight inch ruler (that is still my favorite ruler btw), and a cheap rotary cutter. I remember folding larger pieces of fabric so they would fit on the mat and then wondered why they weren't straight after I unfolded them. lol

That book recommended this pattern for beginners and said to use a scant quarter inch but it didn't explain what size that was. I didn't have a quarter inch foot and my sewing machine didn't have different needle positions. I think the foot on that machine was a little over a quarter inch, so I marked a line on my machine for the quarter inch and tried to stay inside it. As a result, the seams vary in size from an eighth inch to over a quarter inch. It's pretty obvious on the quilt too. Even Hubby noticed. So here it is, in all it's pitiful glory, and a lesson to me that the more I do, the more I learn. And one thing I've learned is to NEVER EVER again leave a quilt unfinished.

This is my One Monthly Goal for March. I wanted to get the top and back finished and ready to quilt and I'm just happy to have made my goal. It is also second goal on my list for First Quarter FAL quilts.

Linking to:
One Monthly Goal March Finish Link-up
Finished or Not at Busy Hands Quilts
First Quarter FAL Finishes at Sew of Course


  1. Learning things is a process. Hubby always says that to do something well you have to do it 10,000 times. I think he may be on to something.

    Have a fabulous day. Happy Easter. ♥

    1. I think he may be on to something too. I don't think I'll live to make 10,000 quilts though.

  2. Looks good!
    Jeannie @ GetMeToTheCountry

  3. Marti: I am not a quilter but it looks lovely to me.


  4. How fun to go back and finish an early project. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  5. What a beautiful quilt and so well done ~ glad you finished it! Happy Easter!

    Happy Days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. It looks fine in the picture. And I bet it still will keep someone warm.
    a finish is always a good feeling.

  7. The line that says 'I have to laugh when I think about the start of this quilt' really resonated with me. Just think of all the things we would never start if our expectation is to be perfect from the beginning. And very impressed that you had the foresight to put it away rather than trash it. Sounds like your happy Easter has come early!

    1. Thank you. It's not that I had the foresight when I first put it away. I didn't know it was as bad as it was the first time. The second and final time I packed it away, I just didn't want to deal with it and thought I'd cull it out later. But that never happened.

  8. Congrats on finishing off one of your older UFOs. It looks pretty cool, I don't see any problems from the front.

  9. What a wonderful finish of a first quilt, congrats on sticking it out, that is impressive! Congrats on the finish. Thanks for linking up with the Finish-A-Long on behalf of the 2018 global hosts.


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