Thursday, March 1, 2018

March's One Monthly Goal and Year Goals Review

I decided to work on a quilt that isn't even on my January Goals list. But according to that list, I should have made a quilt for the RV in February and that one didn't get done either. So I am giving myself permission to work on a UFO that I have in hand rather than search through boxes for one that is on the list. For my March One Monthly Goal, I want to get Jacob's Ladder to the flimsy stage, and get the back made. I am not even going to attempt to quilt it.

This morning I took it out of the box it has been in for fourteen years. I didn't take a picture again this morning, but this 36" x 84" section is the part I started working on.

It is not quite as bad as I remembered it, but not as good as I am happy with today. I decided to take off the bottom part and use it to make this a throw size quilt. Then it can be a donation quilt. So my first work on this UFO was with the ripper. I should have a ripper hidden up my sleeve like the bad guys on old tv shows had a derringer that suddenly springs into their hand in an instant.

In reviewing my 2018 Goals (tweaked at the end of January), I can see some things that are working out well and some that still need prodding, and some that just need to be canned.

1. Organize my sewing space. Still no real sewing space here, but I have added some shelving to hold projects, batting, and other things as I unpack them. When we moved here last April, I bought several wire modular shelving cubes to make a big, indoor catio. With workmen in and out, I didn't want to worry about the cat getting out or freaking out because strangers were in his space. But now that we have somewhere else to put him, and because he despised the catio, I took it apart and had it stored in the attic. But now it made the perfect storage for bulky batting and project boxes. So I'm still reporting success here but not complete.

2. Find and list my UFOs. It's possible I have found all of my UFOs, or at least all my known UFOs. I've found a couple that I had completely forgotten about. So success here and I will continue sorting through boxes.

3. Participate in monthly challenges on blogs and facebook to finish these UFOs. My 12 UFOs for both are 1. Cars, 2. Trailer Quilt, 3. Second Saturday Sampler, 4. Christmas Among Friends, 5. Antique Tile, 6. Gairden Walk, 7. Depression Blocks, 8. Baby Bow Tie, 9. Double Irish Chain, 10. Raggedy Hearts, 11. Sweet Sixteen, 12. Summer Crossroads. I am calling this a success, but I do have to revise this list. I can't quilt the larger quilts, so the goal for them will be just to the flimsy stage, and some of these are already there. Also, the facebook group isn't working for me, so dropping that.

4. Pull out fabrics bought to make specific quilts and put them in boxes with the patterns, thread, and everything needed to complete the quilt. I have done this with several projects. It is a lot easier with the wire cubes and project boxes. So success here but not complete.

5. Organize scraps by color and participate in scraphappy's Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I have found all my scraps now, and have a pattern that is QAYG, so this is easier now. I'm also making string blocks, and scrappy English paper piecing, so will call this a rousing success but not finished.

6. Start the cross-stitch quilt block project that first made me want to learn to quilt. Not too late, but I need to get started soon.  So far a fail

7. Take up Kate's Life in Pieces now official 15 Minute Challenge. Doing well with this one, so success so far.

8. Limit my current projects to four. I have four going right now and it may be too much. Maybe if I were more organized or had a bigger space it would work better. I'll try it one more month before cutting down to three. So success here, but it doesn't feel successful.

9. Start Christmas projects in June. This is still pending as it isn't June yet but I don't have a clue what I want to do and time is slipping by fast these days.

10. Go to guild meetings. I don't drive at night and Hubby was out of town on guild meeting night, so I couldn't go. So this is a fail.

11. I want to find a sit down quilting machine. There is no money budgeted for this, so this goal needs to be eliminated. Fail 12. Take a Craftsy fitting class.I said I may have to eliminate this one too and that's what I'm doing now. With no sewing space, this one isn't feasible right now. Fail

13. Build something for the house every week until the cabinets and organizers are done. Still a fail here, but with spring around the corner, I can see that this will change soon.

14. Take a scroll saw class. I don't have time for this. It is a fail and I'm taking it off the list.

15. Exercise 15-30 minutes a day. Still a fail but I need to make it a priority. Too bad there isn't somewhere to be accountable.

16. Cut out sugar and find 15 good autoimmune recipes by the end of February. Still a fail but both Hubby and I need to do this even if he won't admit it.

17. Stick to an autoimmune diet in March and then re-evaluate for April. There is still time for this, so it is not getting a rating yet.

18. On days that are over wind chill over 50 degrees, work on landscaping 15-30 minutes. I changed this last month and I'm going to have to change it again to read "dry" days. Every day in February that was warm enough was either rainy or the ground was soggy. So, not really a fail, but not a success either.

19. Join a book club. Well, finally. Still doing this. It is a success so far.

My results this month were 8 successes, 7 fails, and 3 pending out of 19 goals, and that is a little better than last month. 2 of those failed goals will be removed from my list, which will help next month.  I didn't add any goals this month either.


  1. I've always been so impressed with people that can do this. Not the ripper, but the creation of beautiful quilts. I'm impressed.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. I'm impressed with people who can sew without ripping. lol

  2. You have a very ambitious list - I think that alone is a success! And to be this accountable in front of all your blogging buddies - that takes courage - well done to you!

    1. Thank you. It is an ambitious list, but I'm not afraid to change it every month if something isn't working. I expect by July, it will be much smaller. Or who knows, maybe I'll add to it.

  3. Great JL quilt! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  4. You've got a pretty ambitious set of goals. Congrats on the successes. If you want someplace to be accountable for diet and exercise, you might look into SparkPeople. I've been using this site the last couple of years to track my exercise and calories. They have groups and challenges you can join for encouragement and accountability. I did some of that early on, but I don't have time now, so I just use the tracking portion these days.


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