Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sewing Room Sunday

I'm sorry to say that I have almost nothing to report this week. Nothing about fabric or stitching that is. I did some hand stitching last Sunday and that was it. So my stitching report shows a dismal percent and the stash report hasn't changed at all in the last two weeks.

I will report that my terraced garden beds are coming along and I hope to be finished with the back of the house this week. If it doesn't rain today, my plan is to keep digging and building. If it rains, I'm going to work on my fabric cabinet, and maybe, just maybe, get in a little stitching.

Linking to:
15 Minute Challenge at Life in Pieces
Sunday Stash at QuiltPaintCreate


  1. Well, you may not be doing any sewing, but you're working on your yard. do we get to see it when it's done? Just asking.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. Definitely. As soon as it is finished, the area cleaned up, the siding painted, and no trash in sight. I told Hubby I feel like we are living in a garbage dump with all the construction debris I'm digging up. Why do they always bury concrete hunks around the house?

  2. I would love to be working in my flower beds. It snowed here last week - twice.

    1. I know you are ready to see some warm weather, but I wish we lived somewhere where there were a few good snows every winter.

  3. Good for you - getting your garden in! You sound like you're getting a lot accomplished! I'm working on my garden little by little....I need some help with the heavy jobs, but it will come! Looking forward to seeing the fruit of your efforts!

  4. Some weeks are just that way in the stitching department. But I bet you will have beautiful grounds to enjoy all summer.

  5. Wow! You exhausted me just reading what you have done!

  6. I know we want to do EVERYTHING, but there just aren't enough hours in the day.

    I can relate to the building debris ... now that the snow is melting around our house, there are Gatorade bottles, nails, wood shavings, cardboard boxes, you name it. But it's still too muddy for us to get out there! Enjoy your outdoor time!

    1. Oh yes, I have that too. We thought we cleaned up every night after they left, but I'm still finding trash they just threw on the ground. Hubby picked up a bucket full of unused screws that they dropped on the ground.

  7. Even though you did not get a lot done sewing wise, you made progress on yard work, which is always enjoyable after a winter. Keep up the great work, and I hope you are finding more sewing time now.

    1. I am finding a bit more this week. I was going to spend the whole afternoon sewing today and then the power went out.


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