Thursday, March 1, 2018

Blast from the Past

More unpacking surprises. This time, I found a box of sewing things from my mother. Among other things, there was thread on wood spools. Some of it was hers and some given to her by my great grandmother.

I love the prices on these! Don't you wish thread was still just 15¢? And there is one for 10¢.

Coats and Clark has been around forever, but I don't recognize some of these brands: Spun Dee, Belding Corticelli, American Thread Company.

This green wood spool is different. I wonder if that is the original thread or if my great grandmother reused an empty spool. Too bad that part of the label is gone.

And I love this little wood thead spool. I bet it was in a travel kit. It looks like it fit on top of another spool, or something else.


  1. I remember some of those brands from spools that my mother had! What a find!

    1. I once had a clear ginger jar lamp that I thought would look neat filled with something like this, but I gave it to my daughter and I'm sure it's long gone now. Still, I think I'll look around for a jar that I can make into a lamp.

  2. Yep, I'm old enough to remember these too. We had tons of them. Every color under the sun.

    Have a fabulous day, Marti. ♥

    1. My great grandmother made all her clothes, so I'm sure that's why there are so many colors. I don't know where the silk thread came from. I even remember buying thread on wood spools years ago. But ggmother only quilted with white or off-white thread.

  3. Aaahhh yes, this was before plastic took over our lives. Wonderful treasures you simply can't replace!

    1. There are so many great things that have disappeared from the shelves forever. I've never checked to see if the plastic spools have a recycle symbol on them.

  4. The little double spool probably had a cap for needle and pin storage at one point. I remember my grandmother had a similar, though slightly larger one. Who knows where it got to.


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