Sunday, March 18, 2018

What an Unproductive Week!

Last Saturday, while Hubby was putting up his radio tower, I packed up all my fabric and my sewing tables and moved everything away from the area we would build a wall the next day. This week, while he has been working and doing some wiring in the evening, I've been doing, well, not much. I did get the taxes done after nagging him for a month. And I've been making plans for some badly needed landscaping. I'm going to make terraced raised beds on the slope around our barndominium. I've got the plans and the materials. All I need is dry land. There was a heavy rain yesterday and it is misty and drizzly today.

So my 15 Minute Report looks pretty dismal. I didn't sew a stitch this week and my yearly percentage is down to 83%.

The Stash Report doesn't look any better, but at least it doesn't have a yearly percentage taking a nose dive.

Linking to:
15 Minute Challenge at Life in Pieces
Sunday Stash at QuiltPaintCreate


  1. There are weeks that other things get in the way. At least you have your taxes done and that's a good thing. That's right around the corner.

    Love to see your landscaping when you're done.

    I've been sick and I hate it, so not much going on here either.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. Yes, taxes done is a big relief. I forgot to mention that my back kept me from doing much, but it is better now. Sorry you've been sick and hope next week is better for everyone.

  2. Some weeks are just like that. Better luck next week.

    1. Thank you. It should be better now that the biggest mess is done.

  3. Ohhh! I had a week like yours! I've realized that some weeks are just like that. We'll both do better soon! Sounds like you have a lot going on in other areas of your life! :)

  4. Marti: You have been one busy lady, I am sure you will find time to stitch soon.


  5. I can relate - I know I have been busy, but I am not sure I have much to show for it! Hopefully this week will be better for you!

    1. My weeks are often like that. I'll know I've been busy but can't say that I accomplished anything.

  6. Some weeks are just that way. Hopefully you can find a new area to set up in so you can get in bits and pieces of stitching time going forward.

  7. Oh, gosh! Taxes! I need to do those. Thanks for the reminder. Any week that you've done taxes in gets a free pass for unproductivity!!!!


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