Saturday, March 10, 2018

Sewing Reports

It's been a busy weekend so far. Hubby rented a bucket lift to get his ham radio tower completed and antennas put on it. A friend came to help and it took them all day. Tomorrow, he want to use the lift inside the barn to build a a wall over the house side. Most people leave that space open, but they must not have to contend with the wind like we do. We have had things blow over and break up there, and some things have even blown off the edge. Having a wall between all of our stuff and the garage will also make it easier to get barn swallows out of the garage. However, the last straw for Hubby was when he found a mud dauber's nest inside one of our boxes, plastered to his snakeskin boots. The horrors! I was afraid the cat might fall off the edge, or that I might trip or get dizzy and fall off, and Hubby is afraid for his boots.

Last week, Hubby built a closet in the corner of the attic, and I put together some wire cubes for my sewing and crafts. The cubes are all assembly required and I had used them to make a four story catio. Now they are reassembled into 32 connected cubes. Buddy The Cat, who didn't care for the catio at all, has been giving each cube the comfort test. So far, he is torn between the one with old sheets and the one with batting scraps.

BTW, this is a closet under the eaves. Hubby put wood on just the walls so stuff wouldn't fall into the wall space below. I know it looks odd.

The weather today was absolutely perfect. Low wind and very warm, the perfect day for yard work. Or it would be perfect for yard work except that I hurt my back Wednesday night. All I did was pick up the laundry basket filled with wet jeans and I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. I went ahead with my chores and it continued to hurt, but not excruciating. By the time I went to bed though, it was a constant sharp pain and I couldn't find a position that relieved the pain. I would say I tossed and turned all night, but it hurt too bad to turn over. Thursday morning I couldn't get out of bed. I finally managed to inch my way to the edge of the bed and rolled onto my knees. Lifting my legs hurt, lifting my arms in front of me hurt, sitting hurt, standing still hurt. It all hurt. Walking was less painful than anything, so I kept moving. By mid afternoon, the pain was better and by evening, it was down to the level it usually is after standing on my feet all day. Whew! I worked it out. But no, the next morning, it was as bad as Thursday morning. I had to drive Friday afternoon and pressing on the brake was a killer.  When I got home I was worse than the first morning.  But by evening, it was better again. And this morning, it was only slightly better than the last two mornings.  Now it is just a dull pain again. So I'm a little concerned about tomorrow morning trying to build a wall with twelve foot long 2x6's. And all this because I picked up a basket of laundry. Housework is dangerous!

I probably won't be online tomorrow morning to link up to Kate and Donna's blogs, but here are my reports anyway. I used a quarter of a yard (that I actually counted) and didn't add any fabrics this week. I found time to sew every day this week, so I'm still at 100% for the week and month and up to 91% for the year.

How are you doing with your stash and daily sewing? Good I hope. I can see where I am going to be spending more time outside soon with the extra hour of daylight starting tomorrow, so I'm trying to get in as much as possible. See you soon.

I managed to sneak away for a few minutes during lunch break, and am linking to:
Life in Pieces


  1. At least you have storage space, you can make it pretty later, it's at least functional now. Sorry about the back problems. Mine started the same way, I picked up a laundry basket and felt a pain in my lower back. I've got bone degeneration in the area, so it's not going getting better. So losing weight and getting back to exercising was the prescription from the doctor. Both have helped, along with getting rid of the recliner. Now I can usually handle any flare ups with an anti-inflammatory medication that I take only when I hurt.

    1. Funny you should mention the recliner. I can't sit in my rocker recliner at all. The most comfortable place to sit is the very upright bench at the dinette.

  2. Oh no! Back pain. I really hope it goes away soon. I literally feel your pain.

    What nice storage! I can imagine barn swallows could be quite a problem!

    1. Thank you, I hope it goes away soon too. It's a lot better today after working hard yesterday.

      Barn swallows are a nuisance, but they don't like being trapped inside the garage, so if they get it and won't fly out, we just shut the doors and wait an hour. Then they are happy to get out. The real problem is mud daubers. They make lots of nests behind and inside stuff.

  3. I hate it when I hurt my back. Makes for days of discomfort. I hope yours goes away soon.

    I love your storage area. You have things out of the way and can go get what you need when you need it. Very clever.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. Thank you. It is nice to have things unpacked and out of the way. And hopefully, it will stay clean in there. If not, I'll have to put everything in boxes in each cube.

  4. That's some really great storage space. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thank you. It's a big storage area, about 8x20, and I've got it so full of my stuff that I don't think there's room for Hubby's stuff. Guess he'll have to build another one under the eaves on the other side. lol

  5. Storage areas don't need to be pretty, just functional! And if your cat approves, it's got to be good! Before I retired, I had some pretty significant lower back pain. Over time, I realized it was too much sitting at my desk, working at the computer, and stress. Needless to say, pain is gone now!

    Thanks for your recent visit to my blog - to answer your question, we moved to Montana due to our love of the outdoors and the overall vibe of the place. It was a plan that started to coalesce in 2006, when we made our first trip to Glacier National Park with our kids.

    Hope your back is better soon!

    1. I've noticed that my back hurts more when I sit a lot, or just stand without moving. Glad to know yours got better when you retired. Maybe mine will too.

  6. Sorry that you hurt your back. You might want to think twice about that housework.!lol I like your storage area too. Great idea with the wire cubes so you can see what is in each one. You said it was the attic area, so that means staircase I would guess. Is it climate controlled all year long?

  7. I like that kinda storage space - You can totally make it your own without having to worry about it being *seen* by others!

  8. At the risk of overstepping your boundaries and being bossy, TAKE CARE OF YOUR BACK!!!! Take no more chances - it is too important.

    Spoken by a person who does not follow her own advice...

  9. I just love your neatly organized attic space. Doesn't it feel good to get organized? I also love your bed set (I think that is what it is) in your header. The paint work on it is GORGEOUS!

    Thanks for posting about the 15 minutes challenge. I checked it out and joined.


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