Monday, April 2, 2018

April One Monthly Goal and Second Quarter Finish-a-Long

Number four on my twelve UFOs list is Christmas Among Friends. However, I haven't found that one yet. I have found number five, Antique Tiles, so I'm going to bump it up for April and hope I find Christmas Among Friends this month. My plan is to use the quilt-as-you-go method and have a complete finish by the end of the month.

My Second Quarter Goals for 2018 Finish-A-Long are:

1. (also) Antique Tiles - completely finished. I don't have any fabric that will work as sashing so I will have to buy fabric this month.

2. Second Saturday Sampler - finish the last block and make the quilt top, and backing. I don't want to quilt it yet.

3. Finish the blocks for Sweet Sixteen. I probably should have said find the blocks, but I saw a couple of blocks and hope they are all together.

Linked to:
One Monthly Goal - April at Elm Street Quilts
2018 Finish-A-Long Second Quarter Goals at Marci Girl Designs


  1. Pretty, pretty and pretty. I love homemade quilts. They are beautiful.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. Thank you. I actually still like all of these. Sometimes I've quit working on a quilt because I found I didn't really like it after all.

  2. All very pretty. I see I am not the only one with UFOs. My blog is homespunhannahblog (dot) blogspot (dot)com.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I think I have more UFOs than finished quilts. But I hope to end that practice.

  3. I love all your projects!!! Sounds like you will have a very busy month!!!

  4. Good luck with your April OMG and with your plans for the rest of the quarter.

  5. Very nice! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  6. This looks like a doable list! On behalf of the FAL crew, thanks for joining in!


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