Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sewing Room Sunday

I normally call this post Sewing Repot Sunday, but I have nothing to report today. I did absolutely no sewing this week and didn't add or subtract from my stash. I'm not sure what I did this week really. I know I spent a couple of days looking for a dishwasher and then decided not to buy one right now. But the rest of the week is a blur.

One thing I did was finish a couple of storage boxes. I have a few Creative Options plastic storage boxes but I needed more. I didn't want to buy more of those boxes for a couple of reasons, the main one being that they didn't fit in my wire cubes very well. I had some scrap quarter inch plywood from the closet project and wondered if I could make a box, similar to a cigar box. I made it out of the plywood, and then starched fabric onto it. I even printed a label on fabric and starched it to the side. The nice thing about starched fabric is that it is just as easy to get off as it is to put on.

I'm linking to these two linky parties, not because I have anything to show, but because one of my unwritten resolutions this year was to participate in them all year. And now I am off to do some sewing so next week's report will look better.
15 Minute Challenge at Life in Pieces
Sunday Stash at QuiltPaintCreate


  1. I love your DIY storage boxes. Very clever.

    Have a fabulous day, Marti. ♥

    1. Thank you. I'm not sure if I like them well enough to make more, but it was fun.

  2. Cool boxes and you can make them the size you want.

    1. That's true. I made them to fit my biggest quilt block, but they fit in my wire crates too.

  3. Your DIY storage boxes are beautiful ! Purrs

  4. But, wow, we needed to see these boxes! I'm so impressed with what you did and your abilities as a builder. They are such attractive storage, and so useful. Thanks!

    1. Thank you. Not much building to it though. They're just glued together and the fabric acts as top hinge.

  5. Very useful and pretty boxes! Hopefully you'll find some stitching time this week.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you. All they really need to do is keep my projects dry and dust free, but it's still fun to dress them up.


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