Sunday, November 11, 2018

Stitching and Destashing

It's been awhile, but I finally got back into the swing of stitching every day, or at least every day that I was home. For me, it was hand stitching this week. I printed more diamond paper shapes and used some scraps, and then stitched a few diamonds and put a few stars together. The black thread on black fabric nearly killed me, but I did it - until I ran out of thread. Then I had to switch to just making more pieces.

I'm happy to report that I stitched 6 out of 7 days this week. I had weekend plans and wasn't able to do any stitching Saturday. I hope I can continue stitching, but I'd like to use the sewing machine next week.

This weekend was my annual spa day with friends. These are friends I have known since junior high and beyond. One friend even goes back to first grade! I met one friend Friday afternoon and went on with her to another friend's house where everyone was to meet. When we went out to eat Friday night, they all surprised me with birthday cards! We spent Saturday morning at the spa being massaged and pampered. Then on to lunch, and an indoor craft bazaar. I bought a gift for the grands and thought of buying a sign for our barn, but it wasn't quite right and was way too expensive. So I got out of there with most of my money. Another dinner out and then back to our host's home for a chilly evening around the firepit with everyone wrapped in quilts and feet propped on the edge of the pit. We talk and laugh so much that it's hard to part company even for sleep. All too soon, it was time to leave after a late breakfast this morning.

Linking to:
Week 45 Stitching and Destashing at Life in Pieces


  1. Sounds like a great weekend with old friends. Hope you can work in some good stitching time at the machine this week.

    1. Me too. So far I haven't made it up there except to cut some fabric to stitch down in the trailer where it is warm.


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