Friday, January 12, 2018

2018 Finish A-Long First Quarter Goals

Leanne at she can quilt posted her 2018 First Quarter Linky the other day. I could just link to my year's UFO goals, but I decided to do a separate post for the Quarterly goals because I've almost finished my January UFO goal and because I haven't found where all my UFO's are packed yet.

1. Double Irish Chain.

2. I would really like to finish my trailer quilt. I keep thinking it will be in the next box I unpack, and so far, it hasn't been found. I never even took a picture of the blocks as I was making them, so I have nothing to show and I can't remember for sure how far along I had gotten on it. So I should mark this as a maybe.  If I can't find the trailer quilt, I'll finish the Jacob's Ladder top.

3. Then there is this little orphan block.

It's been in the way for a few weeks now and I really need to make use of it in something before it gets messed up. I could make a bin for orphans but that would only encourage them to grow. No, I need to do something with it.

So there is my list, and I am linking to she can quilt because I. Am. In!

Now if I can just remember to link up again at the end of the quarter.


  1. That has to be so frustrating to not be able to find any of your projects. Hopefully that problem will go away in time as you get a chance to move into your new place. Happy stitching this week.

  2. Gorgeous scrappy double Irish chain, I hope you will make some progress with that. And I am curious what you'll come up with for the orphan block...
    Thank you for joining us in the Finish-A-Long!


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