Saturday, January 20, 2018

A Day of Loss Is a Day of Discovery

That's actually what the guy at Walmart told me as he was helping me. My day started out with me getting out of bed on time. Before you say 'so what?' in your head, let me tell you how unusual that is. I have a terrible time waking up in the morning. Insomnia does that to me; I feel like a big blob of molasses in the morning. The alarm rings and I turn if off and fall back into bed, melting back into my warm spot. But this morning I had a meeting at the library where someone was going to teach knitting and I actually stayed in solid form after turning off the alarm.

I bought my needles and yarn a couple of weeks ago and took it to the library last Saturday only to learn I had come on the wrong day. So I just left my supplies in the back seat so I would have them today. Except they weren't there. That's the bad thing about sharing a car. Hubby cleaned out the car so he could use it, and he remembers bringing in my needles and yarn, but he doesn't know where they are now. So I went to the library to tell them I wasn't coming, or rather wasn't participating and drove on to the next town to get some fabric for one of my quilting UFOs. That was the first frustration of my day.

The next frustration was not being able to find my scrap fabrics. I knew I only needed a few little strips of each fabric, and I really didn't want to go to the store. But last night I searched through at least twenty boxes and I never found even a scrap of fabric. I found a box marked winter clothes, so not all time wasted. But it meant a trip to town. And since I was going to town, I decided to take a pattern I made for foundation paper piecing. Somewhere, we have a printer with a scanner, but it must be in storage because I didn't find it in any of those boxes either. So my first stop was Office Depot. They have fancy new self-serve copiers since I last used them, and I couldn't figure them out. When I pressed the start button, it wanted a name and password. I had to wait in line at the printing desk while someone ordered business cards, and then I asked if there were directions how to use the machines and set up a password. The guy there said that wasn't needed, just push the cancel button and hit print. So I did. And it only printed half my pattern. Now there were three more people in line. So I just left.

Next stop was for fabric. Normally, I would pay for fabric with my credit card, but our card had fraudulent activity on it this week, so it was cancelled and we won't have new cards until next week. So I needed the cash I keep in my billfold in the car. Since I stopped carrying a purse, I don't carry cash with me. Just a driver license, credit card, phone, and keys weigh me down these days. My shoulder thanks me. Everything I used to carry in a purse, I now carry in the console of the car. But remember how I said Hubby cleaned out the car? Yeah, no billfold in the console either. I was limited to the twenty dollar bill I tucked into my pocket before I left home. I don't know if I've ever bought fabric for less than twenty dollars. This was going to be hard. I was going to have to tell myself no. And no. And no again.

That brings me back to the clerk-in-training at the store. I must have had a sour look on my face, or maybe that's just my usual look. I prefer to call it consternation as I deliberated the fabric choices and my limited budget. Finally, I made my decisions and he, being the chatty sort, asked me what I was going to make, and what all I needed to make it, and why not buy the batting and backing now too. That brought out my confession about losing stuff today. "Well," says the young philosopher, "your day of loss is also your day of discovery" as he pointed to the fabrics I picked out to complete my UFO. "You're a delightful optimist," I said, bringing a beaming smile to his face. "Of course, you aren't the one who lost your billfold either." Now I'm home, and ready to start working on this UFO. This is one of the UFOs on my first quarter list for Marci Girl Designs Finish-a-long.

This is the plan I made last night in MS Paint. I intend to use patterned fabric, but that's not on option in Paint.

And these are the fabrics I bought, some of which I may or may not use. I just didn't want to have to go back to the store once I get going.

Linking to:
UFO Busting at Tish's Adventures in Wonderland
MOP at Tweety Loves Quilting


  1. Some days work out well and some days not so much. I'm glad the person that waited on you made you smile.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. I wish I could be that positive all the time. People with a cheery disposition are so good to be with.

  3. Your block turned out beautiful! And yes, looking at life events with a positive eye is the only thing we can do sometimes, it's a very wise advice!! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Marti - I believe we are twins separated at birth (and some years apart!). We suffer from the same things! My insomnia is terrible too.

    Your blocks will make a fantastic quilt!

  5. Wow! What a series of bad luck. LEAST YOUR HUSBAND did clean the car and you found winter clothes and you have fun new fabric. Some times er just have to look for the good I things to keep moving forward.

  6. I hate days like this! One hiccup after another. But you still managed to make forward progress and that is good! Love the fabrics you purchased to get started on your project. And I say big pat on the back, that's an awesome $20 purchase. Hope this week goes better and your UFO keeps flying toward a finish :)

  7. I would have definitely just gone back to bed after all of that! So sorry for the bad day. At least you got some of what you needed done. The block is looking good.


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