Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday Sewing Reports

I didn't have a good week with either 15 minutes of sewing or stash reduction. I got in 3 days putting in 15 minutes of sewing, but it was just barely 15 minutes each of those days. Because I wasn't sewing, I also didn't need any fabric, so didn't add to the stash. So that's good. But the downside is that I didn't use any stash either. The fabric I used was either the fabric I just bought, or fabric from my scrap boxes which I have already counted as used.

This was a week of cleaning and preparing for Hubby's Amateur Radio Winter Field Day held here at our home, or rather the field behind our home. That's when radio clubs across North America spend twenty-four hours outdoors on the radio trying to contact each other. Yes, that's right, those hardy souls in Canada, Alaska, and the frozen north United States set up their radios and antennas outside to talk on the radio. It was even cold here. It was supposed to be in the 60's, but it was a cold, gray day with intermittant showers and the guys who came took turns going outside to talk on the radio while the others came in to drink hot chocolate and coffee. They did a lot of chatting too. It seemed more like a grown up slumber party than a serious radio event, but what do I know. What I do know is that I spent Friday and Saturday cooking and washing dishes (two kinds of chili, potato soup, cornbread, beans, and cookies, plus making hot chocolate mix), and I was glad when my part was over.

I've got a few hours left today, so I can scoot up to the sewing machine and get some sewing done. I'd like to see 100% on next week's report. Check out the links below to see how everyone else is doing with their sewing time and stash reduction. See you next time.

Linking to:
15 Minutes to Stitch at Life in Pieces
Sunday Stash at QuiltPaintCreate


  1. Some weeks are just like that. Sounds like everyone had a good time in spite of the weather.

  2. At least you are still making progress :0)

  3. Sometimes life gets in the way, but taking care of loved ones and having new opportunities does give you more inspiration! I got jealous of your pretty graphics and made my own. Thanks for the idea!

  4. Thank you! I figured if I had nothing to report, at least I could do it with a little pizzazz. lol

  5. That sounds like a really busy weekend with a full house! Sometimes life just gets in the way and stitching doesn't happy. But I bet you have a very happy guy who had a good weekend. So hopefully that sets you up for being able to barter down the road for more sewing time. Thanks for linking up this week.

  6. Marti: My father in law is a ham radio fanatic, has been for years.
    I hope you get 100% sewing in this week.


  7. I'm tired of all the cold. Can the sun come out and warm our cold bodies? Soon I hope.

    I've a new website: Comedy Plus

    Have a great day. ♥

  8. Brrrr! When it's below 50 degrees here, I stay in! Brave souls! Last week i barely made it to my sewing machine - life happens.....

    I like your various charts!

  9. Yes, some weeks are just "little to no sew weeks". I so like your charts!


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