I have continued to work on the sampler blocks and ran out of the off-white fabric. It looks like I used a lot of fabric, but that's only because I only count things to the nearest quarter. I don't know how other people would count five inches off a yard of fabric, but I count it as a quarter used because I don't have a full yard available for the next project. I'm still in the red for fabric used (I have more fabric now than I started with on January 1st) and have to buy at least another half yard as soon as the weather cooperates. We are supposed to have rain every day until Thursday, so I probably won't make the 50 mile trek to the fabric store until then.
Linking to:

Sunday Stash at QuiltPaintCreate
To stitch 100% for the year would be really tough I think. You'd have to be super prepared and be able to work in the car. It was still a pretty impressive week on the stitching front. Even better you got to see the family for a bit. It certainly seems like we've had a very dreary winter. Looks like this week isn't going to be any different. Hope it's not so bad that you can't get your fabric so you can finish those blocks.