Monday, February 3, 2020

Starting the Week with Design Wall and Week 6 ToDo List

Not much has changed on my design wall since Saturday.  Ameliorate Sampler hasn't moved. Weekends are not meant to be my sewing time. What little time I did spend in my sewing space wasn't very productive.

I was going to go to JoAnn's today to buy enough flannel to finish covering the foam boards for my design wall. But the wind is howling today and tends to push my little car around on the highway, and it is supposed to start raining soon. So that will have to wait until tomorrow. I may update my ToDo list if I get that done.

Let's see how I did with last week's list:

1. Decide on a layout for the sampler quilt.

2. Clean up the Snowball Blossom quilt.

x3. Make a label for the Snowball Blossom quilt.

x4. Attempt a sweater makeover.

Not good. That sweater may be in the trash by the end of this week. I took the zipper off one side and that side immediately started raveling. Turns out it wasn't the zipper that shrank; it was the twill ribbon holding it to the sweater. So I could put the zipper back on with some new, pre-shrunken twill, but I'm just going to leave it off. The metal tip of the zipper edge hitting my neck bugged me in the short time I wore it.

Here's my list for this week:
1. Make a label for the Snowball Blossom quilt. Instead of leaving it off, or even leaving a space for who the quilt was for, I decided just to put my name and date completed on it and call it done.
2. Finish the sweater makeover - or at least try to finish the one side I've started. If it doesn't lay flat, I'm done.
3. Put borders on all the Sampler blocks.
4. Think of a name for the Sampler blocks. That should be easy, but I struggle with names.
5. Buy design board flannel and get it washed and ironed.

Linking to:
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
BOMs Away at Katie Mae Quilts
To Do Tuesday at Home Sewn By Us


  1. Your design wall looks great! I am missing mine since I moved my sewing room. I have an idea though, but it will require help from my husband.

    Your blocks look absolutely perfect and perfectly pressed as well!

    I am sorry you are struggling with your sweater. It sounds like so much work to be disappointed for a variety of reasons.

  2. Marti just tracking you down here, you left a comment on my book blog and asked me how many books I read in a week. I read a lot more until I took up quilting!! It sucks up my time. I went the easy way with a design wall and bought the Fons and Porter one from Amazon. Roseanne at Home Sewn By Us actually gave me the idea! Hope your sewing week and decluttering and maybe reading week goes well.

  3. Your sampler blocks look great. Hopefully you made good progress on your to do list for this week.


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