Sunday, February 25, 2018

It's Sunday - Time for the Weekly Reports

We had a week of rainy weather, cold, rainy weather. There were several days that I stayed in my rocker next to the heater doing English Paper Piecing instead of venturing out to my sewing space in the unheated attic. This is my Slow Sunday Stitching for the week. I started with a Ferris Wheel block but I'm not really sure where I'm going with it. It's a great way to use scraps, so I may just let it grow for awhile.

Someone commented that they knew this block as Jack's Chain. I had heard that before and looked it up again. Some Ferris Wheel patterns also list the name as Jack's Chain. But a search for Jack's Chain pattern mostly comes up with a block that uses nine patch blocks instead of the solid square block around the hexagon. I think it could go either way, so I had to decide which one to call mine. I'm not sure what a chain belonging to Jack looks like.  Maybe it belongs on a tow truck. Maybe Jack is on a chain gang. Maybe Jack is a giant swinging a chain around his head.  What is Jack doing with that chain? I don't know. On the other hand, I like ferris wheels. They are at the center of the fair next to the cotton candy. Bright, colorful, and fun and a great view from the top. So Ferris Wheel it is. See what other scrappy quilting are in the works at Quilting is More Fun than Housework.

I used a bit of fabric this week, two-and-a-quarter yards, and I didn't buy any fabric this week. I would have shown more going out than coming in if it weren't for the box of fabric I unpacked. I brought home a box from the storage unit today that probably has fabric in it, so next week's report won't look any better. So sad. I just need to be using more every week. Click over to QuiltPaintCreate to see how other people are using their stash.

On the other hand, I had a good week sewing every day. I have one finish to show for it, and hope to finish another in the next day or two. I'm read to get these UFOs done so I can start working on some new quilts. Check out Life in Pieces for more 15 Minutes of Sewing.


  1. EPP is perfect to snuggle up with on cold winter days. I do like your ferris wheel blocks, it's turning into a lovely riot of scrappy colour. I don't do EPP and am not familiar with the pattern. Maybe I should get familiar though, it's a lot more portable than my usual stuff, something to think about.

  2. You are so talented. So crafty. I would never be able to put these together.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. It's all in what interests you and how hard you work at it. Like crochet that my mother loves but I just find ho hum.

  3. I like Ferris Wheel too. Jack could be of questionable character.
    You've been very patient with the unpacking. It would make me crazy not to have all my fabric because I'm sure I'd need what I couldn't find.

    1. Having most of our stuff in boxes has been driving me nuts. Not having a real sewing space has been driving me nuts. Not being able to find fabric I know I have, or a project I want to continue working on, also nuts. That's one of the reasons I've bought some of the fabric this year. Maybe soon all this will be over.

  4. Hi Marti: I got a kick out of your Jack comments or maybe Jack is swinging on his front porch.
    I like the word Ferris Wheel that suits me fine.
    I like seeing quilters at work, I am getting the nerve to maybe do a small table quilt this spring, I have already picked out the fabrics, wish me luck I have never quilted with fabric, I had quilted a pram quilt years ago, no piecing, just two pieces of fabric and a wool middle piece then we put it in hot water and it puffed up, I should show a photo on my blog next post.


  5. These look like colorful Olympic rings - or maybe I've just been watching too much NBC coverage!!!

    1. I thought the same thing when I cropped the photo, and I haven't been watching the Olympics. lol

  6. Love this whole post and the pattern, which is another one to add to the 'to do'list - then you up the ante and say the squares can be a nine-patch lol.

    1. Thank you! I like doing this pattern. It's a break from the hexagons I usually do. The Jack's chain with a 9-patch looks harder.

  7. I like your Ferris Wheels, that's a perfect name too. I was going to say I'm sorry you keep finding fabric, but then I wasn't sure that was right. You want to find all that fabric so you can use it up in very pretty quilts. Congrats on finding the time to stitch each day. Staying warm was big in my book last week too. Hoping for warmer weather this week.


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