Friday, February 9, 2018

One Step Forward and Two Steps Back, and for What?

The upside is that today was gorgeous! It started out cold but warmed to about 60 and no wind for a change. Tomorrow is supposed to get up to 70, but it will be breezy. We've decided that breezy is a meterologist code word for a stiff wind, and windy is code for anything between a stiff wind and tornado.

The downside is that my mother-in-law has shingles and a UTI and is feeling pretty miserable. Hubby took her to the doctor yesterday and spent the rest of the afternoon getting her prescriptions and other things she needs. Evidently, she is a grumpy, needy patient. Hubby told me it was my turn to listen to her today. I had shingles a few years ago, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, so I think I'm a little more understanding than Hubby. Shingles are (or is that shingles is) miserable. If you are over 60 and haven't gotten your shingles vaccine, go get it as soon as the flu epidemic is over.

Speaking of flu, our little town is in the middle of the outbreak. Schools have been closed, and now there is a sign on the library asking people who have a cold, cough, or any flu symptoms to please just drop off their books in the overnight box. At the grocery store, when I handed my cloth bags to the cashier, she picked up the corner of one bag with her fingertips like it was crawling with germs. I told her I wash them but it didn't seem to make any difference to her. Of course, the first thing I did when I got to the car was to slather my hands with sanitizer. I don't remember the flu ever being this bad.

I've been spinning my wheels in the sewing room. I did get the backing made for the Double Irish Chain quilt, but most of my time has been on scrappy blocks. I should be finishing a UFO, but instead, I have been piddling with blocks for the RSC Challenge. Originally, I was going to continue working on Twinkle Star blocks since I didn't get very far on them before. But I can't find the blocks I made before, or the pattern I used on them. Since I need to make them the same size, I decided not to do those after all and make some blocks that are quick and easy. I decided to make Puakenikeni Flower Blocks except make the flowers in the color of the month. I made the blocks like Lisa suggested, but the more I looked at the blocks, the more I thought they didn't look right.

Yeah, I didn't put all the white pieces on the corners, I was in a hurry to see what it would look like. I think the yellow in the center needs to be larger, and I wanted it to have more of a scrappy look. Plus, I don't have enough scraps to make any more blocks this size. So I changed the white squares on the corners from 1-1/2 inch to 2 inches, and made each of the four blocks in a different fabric and I think I like it better. I just turned down the outside corners to see what it will look like, and I like it. Now I have to rip apart all the blocks I have made so far. I also had to buy some fabric because I don't have any purple or lavender, which is the February color, and I didn't have much medium blue either. I don't think I have any aqua or turquoise either, but I'll worry about that next month.

That's it for me. Tomorrow I'm leveling dirt if the wind is under 20mph.

Linking to:
My Quilt Infatuation
Can I get a Whoop Whoop


  1. I do like the revisited flower block. Very pretty. Sorry about your mil and the Shingles. I got a super minor case of it on my neck last week - weirdest thing in the world that it was such a light case with my Lupus-compromised immune system, but I'll take that! I can only imagine how very nasty a full-fledge outbreak of it would be, as the little 1" x 2" patch I had with only one day of burning/pain/itching was pretty intense while it was emerging. Out of nowhere - very bizarre. I wasn't sick or stressed - who knows! The blister scabs have finally cleared away. I hope your MIL feels better very soon!

  2. Hi Marti: I love your quilt blocks they are lovely, the colors are amazing.
    I had shingles for two years, it was horrible, the year my brother was diagnosed with cancer until just after he dies was horrible, I had to be so careful around him.
    The flu is not rampant here in our small town.
    We carry sanitizer with us everywhere, we use it after church and before eating in a restaurant, so sad that this is happening but I would rather be safe then sorry.

    Happy Valentines Day

  3. Nothing better than a homemade quilt. They are made with love.

    Yes the flu is bad. We got our flu shot last September. If I don't get the shot I get the flu. We've also got the shingles vaccine. My sister had shingles and it was awful according to her. If they closed the schools then flu season is really bad.

    Have a fabulous day and stay well. ♥

  4. Wonderful blocks. But remember, RSC is for SCRAPS. If you don’t have purples scraps, nobody will call the Quilt Police if you use up pink scraps! Tee Hee, at least I won’t.


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