Saturday, February 3, 2018

Still Busting UFOs

I've been working on the wallhanging. Finished the flimsy Friday afternoon, and spent Friday evening unpacking boxes looking for my pins. I finally found a small, travel box with some pins and had almost enough. I'll have to work on a section and then finish pinning the rest. Hubby likes it and says it looks like a stained glass window. Of course, I was standing in front of a window while I was holding the flimsy up for him to see, so I guess it did.

I'm itching to quilt it using my new Westalee ruler foot. I just got it last week and haven't tried it out yet. I was going to practice on the wallhanging, but since Hubby likes that, I'll practice on some half-square string blocks I've been making as leaders and enders.

I like it!  At least the top.

The back isn't that great.  For one thing, I forgot to lower my feeddogs.  But that really wasn't the problem.  I had to adjust my needle tension by a couple of numbers.  Then it looked better.  I do want to find my magic gloves before quilting the wallhanging.  Free motion with oversized dishwashing gloves is cumbersome.

Eventually, I plan on making a pinwheel quilt-as-you-go with these blocks.

Linking over to Tish's Adventures in Wonderland who is keeping me focused on finishing UFOs. Thanks Tish!

P.S.  Hubby wasn't able to rent a hydraulic lift this weekend and that turned out to be a very good thing.  This morning it was very windy and this afternoon, it rained with a few thunderclaps thrown in for good measure.  Not a good time to be putting up an antenna.  But we still had someone fall off a ladder today.  It was Buddy.  I don't know why he likes to climb ladders; he is not good at coming down them.  Hubby had propped the big extension ladder against the shelves in the garage, and Buddy climbed up to one of the shelves.  When I called him, I heard something fall up there, and then he started down.  He made it about three steps rather quickly, and then the momentum must have been too much as he kind of slid down the rest of the steps and landed with a thud at the bottom.


  1. I love that fall on. I know I keep saying that, but it's so very true. Just beautiful.

    Have a fabulous day, Marti. ♥

  2. Marti, the wall hanging is looking so good! I love how the rust colored fabric looks like it is wrapping around the green border. I think it will be a fun one to quilt. I never feel like I have enough basting pins, but I like to baste stuff put it in the corner and then move on to the next project :) It looks like you are rocking that Westalee ruler foot!

  3. Looks like you got a great start on the learning curve with the ruler. Those are going to be some fun blocks.

  4. Oh, dear, poor Buddy! Your wallhanging is going to be pretty! Westalee has a lot of super enticing rulers that I want to collect. Marti, I really like how you have your UFOs lined up on your sidebar. Very pretty way to list them and keep them in mind.

  5. Saw a pic of your project on Tish’s blog and had to come check it out! I love ruler work and will have to return to see how beautifully your top came out. Good luck!


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