Sunday, February 11, 2018

Shivering Through the Weekend and Quilting

Mother-in-Law is still miserable with shingles and a UTI. My brother-in-law came down for a few hours Friday to fetch and carry for her and reported that she didn't feel like eating the whole time he was there. She called after he left to say she was throwing up and wanted Hubby to take her to the emergency room. He asked her if she ate anything when she took her medicine. No. Well, eat something and call back. She called back about twenty minutes later to say that she ate and now she felt better. The last time I talked to her she said she wished she had been admitted to the hospital Thursday. Hubby and I both think the last place she needs to be in the middle of flu season is at the hospital. She just wants someone to take care of her and keep her company.

At 4:30 a.m. Saturday morning, the phone rang. She was dizzy and bleeding and wanted to go to the hospital. Poor Hubby got dressed and went to check on her. Her shingles blisters had burst and there was a little blood, but nothing serious. He ended up staying most of the day. She hadn't been drinking water either, so Hubby made her eat an egg and drink some water with her morning pills. She felt better after that, but said she really had to make herself eat the egg and wouldn't eat anything after that. Hubby said she was a little confused, probably from the medication. She kept thinking it was time to take more medicine and he kept telling her it wasn't time yet. She slept a lot and Hubby went to the store and bought some heat and eat foods and other things she needed. Then, after her mid-afternoon pills, he came home and let her sleep.

Before the cold front moved in last night, Hubby called her to tell her to take her last pill and she said she felt ok. He told her there was a cold front moving in with sleet and freezing rain and she assured him she would be ok. Well, she called this morning, and she had fallen. She tripped over her oxygen hose and hit her head on the corner of the dresser. Off Hubby went again. He called when he got there to tell me he made it okay. She just had a tiny bump on her head, not the gigantic purple lump she had the last time she fell. So no trip to the hospital needed this time. He said other than that, she felt pretty good today, just wanted company.

Before he left, we discussed getting someone to come in several times a week to clean, cook a decent meal, and just be with her. She is adament about not going to a nursing home, but I think she doesn't need to be living alone any longer. He was going to discuss that with her today. The last time he mentioned it, she said she didn't want help. I hope she agrees this time. Tomorrow is my day to check on her, so I'll see what she says after she's had time to think about it.

In the meantime, I've been staying inside. I did brave the cold of the attic to open a few boxes and sew a few blocks. I'm much happier with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks now that I've made each section from a different fabric. I was going to make a queen size quilt and so needed nine of each color. But I just realized that I don't have any baby quilts set back so now this will be a baby quilt. I need to refigure my design to see how many I need to make now. I need to decide on a backing fabric soon too so I can start quilting the blocks. I'm doing this as a QAYG.

Hubby complains that his right hand gets cold when he is on the computer when it's cold. I've noticed my hands get really cold when I'm sewing very long. Now I'm huddled next to the heater listening to sheets of ice slide off the roof and hope they don't dent the porch covers. There's a pot of steaming tea on the stove and I'm about to warm my fingers around a cup of tea and watch a little tv before starting my next block.

Linking to:
RSC Challenge at soscrappy


  1. I hope your MIL gets better soon. I feel for her. She'll be in my prayers.

    Have a fabulous day, Marti. ♥

  2. With all you've got going on with your MIL, it's amazing you got any sewing done! I hope you can get her to agree she needs help - it's better for the family if you can visit instead of take care of her. So much stress there, but you're good people to do so much for her. I hope she's feeling better soon. And I hope spring gets here soon!!!

  3. Your PURPLE blocks for the RSC are looking great!! Sorry to hear about your MIL. Some seniors have a heard time transitioning from independent living to needing a care-giver. Best of luck with your MIL!!

  4. Your purples look great. I hope you find the right solution for your mother in law. My father in law moved into a progressive care neighborhood after his wife passed away last year. He lives in his own house but has help when he needs it. He seems happy with the arrangement, and we feel better knowing someone nearby is looking out for him.

  5. Saying a prayer for you hubby and MIL. Praying for a smooth peaceful transition. This can turn into a very stressful time in all of your lives.
    Been there, so will continue to pray until I hear things have calmed down.

  6. Hope everyone is feeling better!

  7. Listening to ice slide off the roof - sounds frightening!
    We have a freak summer thunderstorm rumbling overhead.

    Your Buddy looks like Thomas' brother by another mother. Blue Tuxedo and long soft silky fur?

  8. It is so hard to age. I wish her well.

    I think it is a grand idea to make that blocks into a baby quilt.

  9. This is a difficult time with your MIL, for sure. I took care of an elderly family friend just one month and I was so stressed out! But the family got a nice break. Enjoyed seeing your RSC blocks.

  10. Hi Marti: Beautiful colors for your quilt, I am looking forward to seeing the finished quilt.
    I hope your Mother in Law is going to be okay, we had a tough time getting my Mother to okay a helper in her life what a life saver that was.
    My right hand (I am right handed) gets cold when I am on the computer all the time.
    I hope your Husband is feeling better and not wearing himself out or you wearing yourself out.


  11. Sorry your mother-in-law has shingles, my mom had them 2 years ago and said they were very painful.
    I like your purple squares, very pretty.

  12. Pretty purple blocks. Can you knit hubby fingerless gloves? Great for keeping hands warm yet do not feel restricted like gloves over the fingers. Good luck with MIL. Sounds like some decisions to be made by the family in the near future.

  13. Hope your MIL is doing a lot better. Sunday sounds like it was pretty miserable. We didn't get the sleet, just freezing drizzle on Saturday. Hope you've been able to enjoy the warm up this week. It will get cold here tomorrow, with the potential for ice in the morning. I like your purple snowball blocks. Hope you were able to get in some more stitching with the warmer temps.


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