Sunday, February 11, 2018

Weekly Sewing Reports for Week Six

I'll say it again, I love the Westalee Ruler Foot. It's not without its challenges on a bigger quilt on a small machine, but it was a breeze on the small wallhanging. I also prefer free motion quilting with this foot over the regular free motion foot. If the hopping FMQ foot bothered me before, I can just imagine how bad it would be with my current double vision in each eye. I've spent a lot of time every day sewing this week and have both the wallhanging and the Irish chain close to a finish. I'm using both of these for practice and it shows, but so far, neither look really bad, at least not bad enough to use as a cat bed. So far, I've sewed every day of February.

As said in my last post, I wasn't happy with the block I chose to do for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and thought it would look better with several different fabrics. I also haven't found my blue or purple scraps yet, which has made it even more of a challenge, and didn't have enough suitable medium blues and only two purples in my stash. So, I bought a few fat quarters to get through. Then, I opened another box last night, and it was a box of fat quarters with several blues. Oh well. I don't have many aqua and turquoise either and don't remember having any scraps in those colors, so I see more purchases coming next month. So much for whittling down the stash. I did use several of the fat quarters I bought, and will use more next week.

Years ago, I bought some batting at Walmart. It was supposed to be 100% cotton, and I think the name said something about Natural. It looked almost identical to Warm and Natural - until I pulled it out of the bag. It was horrible stuff, thin in some places, hard wads in others, and still other spots had outright holes. But at the time, Lil needed cheap batting for a school project, and of course, the project was due the next day. I should have thrown the scraps away, but being the frugal miser that I am, I held on to them. I finally used them in the wallhanging, even though I had to patch them together with fusible interfacing. And as God is my witness (said like Scarlett O'Hara wearing her repurposed curtain dress), I will never buy batting from Walmart again.

So far, I haven't kept track of batting or interfacing in my stash.  I really don't know how I would do that since batting doesn't really come by the yard.  If you keep track of those things, tell me how you do it.  I'd like to know how much I have so I would know if I have enough for upcoming quilts; actually, I'd like to not have a lot of batting because the scraps are so hard to store.  Very useful for QAYG though.

Linking to:
15 Minutes to Sew at Life in Pieces
Sunday Stash at QuiltPaintCreate


  1. You found a lot of fabric this week. It still cracks me up every time I read about you finding another box.
    The last time we moved the movers made us write on the box what room it went in. Worked great. We didn't do that when we cleaned out my mom's house and years later I'm still looking for things I know were there.

  2. Sometimes you have to buy a little to use a little. You've done great at finding time to stitch.


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