Tuesday, March 24, 2020

To Do Tuesday Week 12

I guess this qualifies as a squirrel, and I bet I'm not the only one. When I heard there was a shortage of masks at hospitals, I thought I'd make a few. When I told Hubby, he dug out a box of oddly shaped filters for a half face respirator we no longer have and asked if I could make a mask for them. Since the original mask had a filter on each side of the face, I didn't think I could use them. But after playing around with some patterns I found online, and then stitching two of the filters together, I came up with a plan. Not ideal, but beats no filter at all. However, just like the N95 masks we use in woodworking, moisture from breathing goes up and fogs our glasses. So, back to the drawing board. Also, there is no small elastic to be found around here, so I am going to have to make some fabric ties for these.

I did not do well with last week's goals. With Hubby working from home more, he found more house building chores for me to do. Instead of quilting, I was staining doors and cabinets and building shelves. I'd like to say this week will be better, but there is another door on the sawhorses. Also, the grandsons are over quite a bit, and it is impossible to get anything done when they are around. Daughter has finally realized that the safe environment she created for them also made them think that homes were a big playcenter and that the world revolved around them. We are working on not jumping on furniture, not touching things that don't belong to them, and learning to play by themselves. There have been many tantrums and time outs.

Last week I only had three goals, and didn't complete a single one!

X1. Finish sweater makeover
X2. Join three rows of Scottish Sun blocks - I only got half of one row done.
X3. Design borders for Scottish Sun

This week, I have those goals again and one more because my 86 year old mother wants some face masks too, sans filters.

1. Finish sweater makeover
2. Join three rows of Scottish Sun blocks
3. Design borders for Scottish Sun
4. Make ten face masks

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  1. Hi Marti! Getting things completed on your to-do list would be the last thing I would be concerned about. Helping your husband, daughter, grandchildren and mom are plenty on their own! {{Hugs}} I can see how those woodworking filters would work out nifty for the masks. Stay healthy and safe and thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. You were very busy this week, I hope you will be able to save time for you and for sewing ;)
    Take care and stay healthy

  3. Coming up with a workable pattern had to take some time. Hopefully you got in a bit more stitching time this week.


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