Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sewing Reports and a Finished Flimsy

Thursday, my daughter and her boys came to visit for a few days. After a busy weekend, made busier by two boys who never stop moving, they left yesterday after the Christmas parade. Hubby went straight to his recliner, turned on a football game, and promptly fell asleep. Not being much of a napper, I started sewing. I finished the Floating Stars quilt, or at least finished it to the flimsy stage. I don't have anywhere to lay out a quilt right now, so quilting it will have to wait awhile. I also feel like I am running out of time to finish UFOs and would like to get as many as possible to the flimsy stage while I can. I did find backing fabric for the stars quilt and made six yards of Susie's magic binding; then I packed everything away.

I can't tell if the photo is in focus. If it's not, sorry about that.  I'll get Hubby to help me with it later.

Finishing this top and pulling the backing and binding fabric out of my stash meant that I used a bit of fabric this week. I also had to buy a yard to finish the borders, but used 3/4 of that. So while I don't have a formal report, here it is:

Fabric bought this week: 1 yard
Fabric used this week: 3-1/4 yards
Total loss: 2-1/4 yards

I sewed 7 out of 7 days this week too. Evenings are still my productive time. So my sewing report reads:

I like that December percentage. lol

Goals for this week:
1. Finish the backing for Gairden Walk
2. Make binding for Gairden Walk
3. Make at least 10 blocks for Depression Blocks
4. Rip seams on varigated EPP stars
5. Cut fabric for scrappy EPP stars
6. Cut fabric for white EPP stars
7. Cut strips for blue and green fabric basket

Linking to:
15 Minute Challenge at Life in Pieces
Sunday Stash at QuiltPaintCreate
Slow Stitching Sunday at Kathy's Quilts
Show and Tell at Bambisyr med sin Quiltglädje! which I think translates to Quilting with Bambi
Main Crush Monday at Cooking up Quilts


  1. Love the stars. You are doing great on stitching daily.

    1. Thank you. I'm trying to make this a habit, but so far I really have to work at it.

  2. What a lovely star quilt! I especially like the star in the middle on the right with the directional fabric!

  3. Thank you. I wish I had paid more attention and fussy cut all of them, but I didn't notice any patterns until I was putting that one together.

  4. I like your star quilt. And I find it difficult to take photoes these days with almost no light.

    1. Thank you. Oh I agree. I should think about taking photos in the morning when the sun is at a better angle, but I usually think about it at night when I'm ending for the day.

  5. Your quilt is lovely, very pretty. I also love to see my grandchildren come but the quiet after they leave is wonderful!

    1. Thank you. You are right about the quiet. I know my girls talked all the time, but I just don't think they were as loud or rambunctious as these boys.

  6. Adding the little stars in between was the perfect design decision. It looks great!

    1. Thank you. If I was more confident in my quilting, I could have left the space open. More than likely, someone else will quilt this though and I wanted to make it easier for either that quilter or myself.

  7. Thank you for your inspiration on the Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi hug

    1. Thank you, but I'm the one inspired by your blog.


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